EJO Skin Anti-Aging
Night Cream

Glättende Nachtcreme mit erlesenen Pflanzenölen alle Hauttypen / vegan

pflegt und beruhigt die Haut
nährendes Jojoba-, Wildrosen- und Inka-Nuss-Öl
für ein sanftes, geschmeidiges Hautgefühl

68.00 CHF

2454 in stock

Was macht das Produkt?







The smoothing night cream from EJO Skin nourishes your skin with the best that nature has to offer and leaves your skin feeling soft . In addition, the delicate scent ensures special wellness moments as soon as it is applied.

Vitalizing Swiss apple stem cells, moisturizing hyaluronic acid and a nourishing mix of precious jojoba, black sesame, wild rose and Inca nut oils have a calming effect and support the skin’s natural renewal process at night. The next morning, fine lines and wrinkles appear as if they have been softened by a soft focus.

Thanks to its creamy texture, this smoothing night cream combines rich care with a carefree feeling of lightness – for velvety-soft, radiant skin. Since the EJO Skin Anti-Aging Night Cream is formulated to be very mild, it is also suitable for sensitive skin and immediately soothes reddened areas.

Additional information

Weight 0.176 kg
Dimensions 4.7 × 4.7 × 13.8 cm


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The product size is 10ml each.




Mit LSF 15
Beugt Feuchtigkeitsverlust vor
für einen natürlichen Glow

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Für einen jugendlichen Teint

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Serum Booster

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Verbessert den Teint
Leichte, schnell einziehende Textur

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Glow to Go Box

4 Deluxe-Proben für zarte Haut
Glättet feine Linien und Fältchen
Pflegt die Haut samtig-weich

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Ejo Skin

Eternal Glow Box

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Verbessert sichtbar den Teint
Für rundum gepflegte, jugendliche haut

248.00 CHF 4x30ml

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